Assalamualaikum, guys. 
Kemarin saya barusan mendampingi anak didik saya untuk mengikuti lomba Porseni tahun 2019. Dia mengikuti cabang lomba speech contest. Alhamdulillah anak didik saya mendapat juara 3. Ini adalah teks pidatonya. Semoga bermanfaat. 

السلا م عليكم و ر حمة الله و بر كا ته
الحمد لله رب العا لمين. نحمد ه و نستعين على امورالديا و الدين. الصلاة و السلام على رسول الله و على اله و صحبه اجمعين. اما بعد.
The excellency the jury of speech contest
The honorable committee of speech contest
Happy brothers and sisters
First of all, let’s thank to Allah, The Lord of the world, who has been giving us mercies and blessing, so we can take part on this speech contest of PORSENI, Baru Regency.
Secondly, May shalawat and salutation be upon to our lovely prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to brightness. By his help and syafaat, we can save fiddunya wal akhirat.
Thirdly, I would like to thank to the honorable judges and committee for giving me this special opportunity to convey my speech in this contest.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Standing in front of you all, I would like to present my speech with a title “Being a super student for the bright generation”
Dear brothers and sisters,
Do you want to be successful? Do you want to change the world?
If we want to change the world, start from ourselves. Starting from the small things, such as starting from waking up earlier, having decorous and kind talk, having responsibility with what we have, and others.
We, as youth generation, as students, surely have serious responsibility. Our role is so big to make positive change toward environment and people around us, especially to our beloved country, Indonesia.
What is our responsibility as students actually? Our responsibilities are studying hard and managing time wisely.
Our noble prophet Muhammad decreed,
اطلب العلم من المهد الى الهد
It means, “Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave”
According to that hadith, we must always study and study again. No time without studying. This is called “Long Life Education”
In Al-Quran, Allah warns us in many surah
و الضحى (سورة الضحى)
و العصر (سورة العصر)
It means that we should utilize time wisely.
(I remember these things). If we want to get a comprehensive knowledge, remember these things.
As ulama’ say, “Knowledge is only got by studying hard. Blessing of knowledge is only got by serving the teacher. Benefit of knowledge is only got by teachers’ willing.”
Brothers and sisters,
Let’s begin with a better change. Don’t be afraid of people’s scorn. Try and keep trying, study and keep studying for a better future. Just go on.
Brothers and sisters,
No one can change ourselves, except us. Our teachers, our parents, just guide and direct us to the good things. However, the plenipotentiary man towards us is ourselves.
Let’s ask to ourselves.
When are we going to change? When are we going to be bright generation?
The answer is ‘right now’. Start right now. “No Excuse”.
الوقت كا السيف
“Time is just like a sword” (my friends)
If we can use the sword well and effectively, it will help us in many things. However, if we look it down and we are careless, the sword will kill us.
 (brothers and sisters,)
I would like to close this speech by a Hadits. Rasulullah SAW decreed as follows
خير الناس انفعهم للنا س
“The best human being is the one who has useful to others.”
Respectable audience, Moslem brothers and sisters
That’s all what I want to share, hopefully what I have just conveyed can be useful for us and hopefully we are going to be bright generation for our beloved country. I beg your pardon if there had been something unpleasant on it. Thank you for the attention.
وبا لله توفق والرضى والاناية. السلا م عليكم و ر حمة الله و بر كا ته


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